The Scottish National Show – Harley & Steve Dace, winners of Best Waterfowl with a Sebastopol goose

Harley & Steve Dace, winners of Best Waterfowl with a Sebastopol goose
It was the middle of January. It was Scotland. Snow was expected, and we weren’t to be disappointed. And most, if not all, exhibitors were aware of the weather forecast before setting off. The usual ‘only essential journeys’ warnings were being broadcast by the media, but that didn’t stop the hardcore Fanciers from heading for Lanark; I don’t think I saw an empty pen! I travelled up on the Friday with Steve and Harley Dace, and some passengers in the form of large Laced Wyandottes and Sebastopol geese. We arrived at about 4pm, greeted a few Fanciers, and by the time we got the
birds settled, the snow had really begun to come down. I knew at that point there wouldn’t be many visitors to the show – because of the weather – but we still took a good number of renewals and a surprising number of new subs on the Fancy Fowl stand, where my helper, Harley, was invaluable!
The atmosphere was great. Many conversations centred around breeding plans and pens for the upcoming season. For many people it is their last show of the winter season before putting the breeding birds together.
We stayed at a Premier Inn a few miles out, but joined the many Fanciers in the New Lanark Mill hotel nearby on the Saturday
night, for the Dinner Dance organised by Susan Broahurst. This is an absolute credit to Susan, who has organised the ‘Social’ for many years, and it was good to see the majority of Fanciers dressing up smart and enjoying themselves with a few drinks. The food was exquisite! The show team of Robert Macdonald and his helpers donning their red coats did the show proud. The only potential hitch came in the form of a complaint made to Defra about where the Waterfowl pens were situated, but after a representative carried out an inspection, all was deemed safe and well with no issues. The overall winner was unsurprising to many – Richard Bett, who had 3 show contenders on championship row. And as we know, that takes some doing and it was a deserved win for the Lincolnshire breeder, who we managed to interview this month. The reserve champion was a very fit Gold Dutch male belonging to Simon Patel. A very enjoyable weekend and I would urge you to visit next year.
Scottish National Show Results
Show Champion: Buff Cochin Male, R. Bett
Reserve Show Champion: Gold Dutch Male, S. Patel
Best Opposite Sex: Gold Pencilled Hamburgh Female, H. Dickson
Champion Large Soft Feather Light: Black Minorca Female, R. Walker
Champion Soft Feather Heavy Bantam: Blue German Langshan Male, B&C Ward
Champion Large Hard Feather: Grey Carlisle OEG Female, J&N Adams
Champion Bantam Hard Feather: Black OEG Bantam Female, A&R Shaw
Champion Waterfowl Sebastopol Goose, S. Dace
Champion Rare Breed: Black Sumatra Bantam Female, G.Hodge
Champion Trio: Black Red Modern Game Bantams, R. Leitch
Champion Juvenile: Black Watermael Male, Harry Walton
Champion Eggs: B. Oldcorn
Champion Ladies: Black Tailed White Japanese Male, J. Lyons
Best Opposite Size Waterfowl: Mallard Call Female, P. Hamill
Best Orloff: Spangled Bantam Male, J. Gillam
Best Auracana: Large Black Rumpless Female, C. Booth
Best Brahma: Dark Bantam Male, R. Bett
Best Leghorn: Black Bantam Female, R. Currie
Best Blue Orpington Bantam Male: G. Hodge
Source: 26 – Fancy Fowl Magazine, May 2015
REPORT By: Grant Brereton Date: 17 & 18 January 2015